I've been hearing the buzz of Tom's for a while now but never really looked into the shoe brand. I thought it was just new shoes for hippie latte drinkers and their hippie little wild haired kids. That was until one day a preppy clean cut guy friend of mine stopped by the store wearing a pair- and they looked good!
Come to find out Tom's shoes are just one of the few brands out there helping to make fashion have a positive impact on poverty around the world. A truly good cause I would love to support. Instead of buying a pair for ourselves we bought a hundred pairs for denM to sell and help others make a fashion statement and a difference.
For every pair you purchase Tom's will give a pair to a child in need. One for one. TOMS Shoes has given over 10,000 pairs of shoes to children in Argentina, they took 50,000 pairs to South Africa and have been on a “shoe drop”in Ethiopia. The brand gave away over 200,000 pairs in 2008 alone. Watch the video to see the powerful difference a brand can make. And buy a pair of Tom's to get your fashion on too.